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Why Your Executive Assistant Needs Calendar Management Software (And So Do You)

Calendar management software

Calendar management software

In case you didn’t know, 55 million meetings are held every week in the US, out of which executives attend at least 37. That’s about 72% of your total work time. That’s a lot of scheduling for your EA to handle. If we’re still talking statistics, your EA will end up spending at least one-third of their workday just organizing your schedule.

And yeah, we get it. If you want to save money, spreadsheets may seem like a good idea. But humans are bound to make mistakes, and eventually, those mistakes can hurt your reputation. So, it makes sense to invest in calendar management software instead. If you’re still not convinced, this guide is bound to change your mind. 


So, what Is calendar management software?

Calendar management software is a digital tool designed to help you and your EA keep track of meetings, deadlines, appointments, and anything else that occupies your day. Depending on the tool you pick, it might come with features like automated scheduling, email reminders, alerts, and even handling time zone differences. It usually syncs up with your email. 


Reasons to Invest in This Tool

No More Scheduling Errors

Mistakes happen all the time. That’s just reality, and it’s not your EA’s fault. When they do happen, they can make you and your company look unprofessional. Calendar management software prevents this from happening. No more double booking, forgetting to send an invite, or even missing a meeting. The entire process is automated, and it’s so much more reliable than relying on your memory or a spreadsheet. 

It Will Save You Time and Boost Efficiency

Professionals spend an average of 4.8 hours a week just scheduling meetings, which is almost a full workday. Calendar management software cuts this time by at least half. If there’s a change in the schedule, the software automatically syncs it across all devices. Your EA won’t need to keep sending reminders about when or where the meeting is happening since the tool can input this data. It’s super efficient and a great resource for your firm.

Minimizes Conflict and Improves Communication

Miscommunications about meetings can cause a lot of unnecessary stress. In fact, 36% of employees say poor communication is the biggest reason for workplace failure. Calendar management software helps avoid this since you’re no longer managing everything manually. Everything goes by so much more smoothly, and there are fewer misunderstandings.  


Key Features to Look For in Calendar Management Software

  • The interface should be easy to navigate.
  • It should integrate with the current tools you’re using, like Outlook, Google Workspace, Slack, etc.
  • It should be able to auto-schedule and send reminders.
  • There should be customizable options.
  • You should be able to use the app from your phone as well as your laptop.



Calendar management software helps reduce errors, save time, and improve communication. It’s a great tool for both you and your EA to stay on top of a busy schedule. When picking one, make sure it’s easy to use, has customizable options, and can integrate with any current tool you’re using.

Looking for calendar management software for executive assistants? Try VAST today! Designed to integrate effortlessly with both Google and Outlook, VAST allows you to keep all event details at your fingertips. Check us out today.